So here's some huge news!
IRELAND’S MMA FIGHTERS have always been aiming to follow the path to the top.
The problem was that — up until a couple of years ago — they didn’t know where to find it. However, with eight Irish fighters now competing in the UFC, that’s no longer an obstacle. The cream of the Irish MMA crop have found their way to the summit and they’re beginning to turn their attentions towards showing the rest how to get there too.
It took a long time for Ireland to put itself on the map in mixed martial arts, but this country is now becoming a major player in the sport — led by Conor McGregor, a man who could be a UFC world champion in July, and his team, Straight Blast Gym (SBG).
Half of Ireland’s UFC representatives are SBG fighters, and the gym — based on the Naas Road — is about to be joined by a second state-of-the-art location in the heart of Tallaght, the home of SBG’s UFC flyweight Paddy Holohan....